Thursday, 3 June 2010

Sprint 8 plan

The ADMIRAL sprint 8 plan has been posted at

(See previous post for Sprint 7 review.)

ADMIRAL Sprint 7 Review

The review for sprint 7 is posted at

Progress has been achieved on a number of fronts, and we are now ready for access to a test deployment of the OULS Databank repository system. The ADMIRAL data store is in use by the Silk research group.

We attended the JISC managibng research data programme meeting, and have established lines of potential close collaboration with the Oxford-based SUDAMIH project, which were further developed at our project advisory board meeting [1].  We also discussed collaboration with CLARION, particularly in the area of integrating their embargo manager into a different environment.

Summary of achievements this sprint:
  • Project and steering group meetings;
  • attended JISCMRD programme meeting;
  • Shuffl access and browsing of to ADMIRAL shared files;
  • abandoned attempt to use Ubuntu 10.04;
  • sample code for creating BagIt (Zip) packages;
  • enhancements to user management scripts;
  • initial investigation of RDF parsing using jQuery.
