A review of sprint 13 can be see at
In summary, Progress has been quite satisfying, with most scheduled activities completed, and also some unscheduled progress. Our new recruit is coming up to speed well with the project development and testing activities.
The initial dataset selection and display functions that will allow researchers to view their submitted datasets are functionally complete (apart from finalizing their deployment via the RDF Databank).
We have made substantial progress on updating the local file store system build scripts and test suite, with a view to building a system for use by the Evolutionary Development group.
Some progress has been made on updating and finalizing the Library Services RDF Databank service, but we are still awaiting a version that we can test and use as a target for dataset submission scripts.
For ongoing work, our immediate priorities are to (a) finish updating the local file store test suite, and (b) configure and deploy a system for the Development group. Beyond that, we need to focus on finalizing the RDF Databank API test suite, and building tools to allow researchers to select and submit datasets to the Databank.